Kruger Rangers get up in arms with poachers

Kruger Rangers get up in arms with poachers

The South African Police Service (SAPS) is currently investigating two cases of rhino poaching that recently took place in a space of four days inside the premises of Kruger National Park (KNP). The incidences staged between Friday, 14 and Tuesday evenings where on the first instance, rangers made contact with a group of suspected rhino poachers who were armed with a high calibre rifle, an axe and other poaching equipment. Rangers further encountered another armed group of suspected rhino poachers.

On the first scene, one of the suspects was fatally wounded on contact while the others escaped. A rifle and ammunition were recovered at the scene. On the second scene during the contact, three of the suspects were fatally wounded and a heavy calibre hunting rifle, ammunition and other poaching equipment were seized.

The field rangers are receiving counselling and according to KNP’s Communications Manager, Isaac Phaahla, the two incidents are a highlight of the dangerous conditions rangers operate under.

“This particularly demonstrates the threats they face against suspected poachers. Incursions on the Eastern boundary are still relentless and the anti-poaching units have been under a lot of pressure as it addresses these.” said Phaahla.
According to Phaahla, SANParks is also exploring numerous interventions which includes community mobilisation and support to push back against the threats poaching presents.
